Board exams have grown into do-or-die pressure for students, which leads them to go through really tough anxiety and stress. Board exams are tough as well as the pressure on board students is high. Students get a lot of compulsion and less time to cover all their syllabus and to prepare for all their projects and practicals. Some students panicked and made mistakes and didn’t get fully prepared for their exams, and the results became their enemy in their careers or for their further studies. It happens mostly in Asian countries like India, China, Pakistan, South Korea, and more. This county takes annual board exams every year for class 10th and 12th students. In board exams, a student has to prepare a whole book of every  (best of 5) subject. And not only to cover all books but also to write a lot of projects and assignments and also be present for the practicals of every subject. Students face a lot of stress and fear of failing. Not feeling prepared for exams. Teachers don’t pay attention to the mental health and pressure of students before the board exams. Most students get collapsed in handling these pressures.  There are a bunch of tuition and extra classes, but none of them works when it comes to the mental health of students. Students have to go to school and after that all the extra classes on weekends and all tuition fees, but when it comes to results it’s not worth it. So we cannot change the system of education but can help you to score more and stress less.

Here are some tips that may help you in your exams.

They are scientifically proven.

Don’t procrastinate on your daily work or your homework.

Procrastination leads to much work which becomes a burden to do. So try to complete your work daily.

Revise daily.

Do daily revision, daily revision helps you to remember something for a long time, daily revision is healthy for your brain and also for your brain’s exercise. The brain needs a daily dose of something, then the brain stores everything in your mind and helps you to recall easily whenever you want.

Make a timetable for your daily work or your subject-wise studies.

Making a timetable helps you to do work on time, and also you can give approx time to all your subjects, and it will help you to cover all subjects equally. A timetable doesn’t let you waste your time in a day and also makes you feel less stressed or stress-free.

Get a full night’s sleep of 7 hours daily.

Most students study late at night and in the early morning. But they don’t get enough sleep and that affects their health, which is not good for the brain. A healthy brain needs 7 hours of enough sleep for working effectively, especially for students. So try to get enough sleep or go to bed early.

Maintain a balanced diet.

Maintaining a balanced diet is also important for students. A student need not eat too much or not too less. Eating a lot leads to laziness and a sleepy mind. And less food will make you weak, and you will not get the proper energy to study. Maintain a diet and eat less than hungry, but make sure that you are not starving yourself.

Exercise or yoga.

If a student wants to improve their memory power of the brain and keep themselves calm during studies. Then he or she should try early morning yoga for the brain because a healthy mind is key to creative thinking and good memory power also.

Cut yourself from social media until the exams get over.

Social media is a great distraction for students. They are addictive and time-consuming. Students need to chop all social media platforms to protect themselves from wasting time. These social media are made like that so that people get what they like, and it becomes hard to maintain distance from these things.

Try a mock test at home.

Try giving a mock test to yourself. Try to recall all you have studied in front of the mirror and give yourself a presentation of your preparation, and give yourself prizes or goodies when you complete your task properly. It will help you to build self-confidence and also makes you practical-ready.

Try group study.

Try studying with your friends and ask questions to each other and solve each other’s problems. Give each other random tests and help to understand the important topics. When you study with your friend, then you will recall all your studied topics, and it gets a good revision for your brain and a long time memorable things.

Be positive with your studies and brain.

What you think makes your brain do. So try to think positively, then your brain will not get nervous, and you will perform well in exams. So make yourself calm and not nervous and say to your brain that you are ready to crack the exams, you are well-prepared. Motivate yourself every time you feel low or non-energetic.


Last but not least, the best way to study is by yourself (a self-study). Yes, it is seen that students who attend a lot of classes and tuition get fewer marks than the students by themselves. So before any exams, try to study by yourself as much as you need or as much as you can. Because it scientifically proves that self-study is more memorable than studying by your teacher.

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