“Own only what you can always carry with you: know languages, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag,” said Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Traveling to faraway places is a dream for many people. Some people get to live those dreams sooner and some save them for later. Some only dream and do not get to fulfill them. Many reasons might hinder their travel plans. But one of them is money and being a student, it is a big problem.  

Traveling is not limited to any age. Student days are the best time to travel, to enjoy life to the fullest. It is not always easy for students to get enough money for traveling unless their parents are willing to pay for it.

Many have the notion that traveling is expensive, but it can be made a myth with proper planning and organizing. Put the fear of money and plan your trip and make your travel dreams come true.

Here are a few effective ways to save money for travel. They are given as follows.

1) Open a savings account 

Opening a savings account is a great start to saving your money. It will help you to track down the amount you are saving. Set a target amount to save for a period and try to achieve it. 

Frequently check it and be consistent with saving money. At some point, you might feel hopeless. But do not let it put you down. Keep the consistency till the end.

2) Be your chef

Cook your food with available groceries. You can buy groceries at a cheap price and have a healthy meal instead of an unhealthy meal from a hotel. It will cost so much to eat out plus it is unhealthy. 

There are many great food blogs with amazing recipes using limited groceries. Then what ­­–learn cooking at the same time save some money. In case you are staying in a hostel try eating all the meals in the hostel mess. By restricting your binge eating habits you can save a lot of money.

 3) Cut out unnecessary spending

Take a notebook and track your spending. Make a list of things based on your needs. Make sure to include every penny you spend.

You will be shocked to see the unnecessary purchases you make. But do not worry about it. I am telling you this is normal, and you can always learn to manage money.  

Before you buy some things think if it is necessary and if not do not buy it. Buy things in the annual festive sale where you can get many discounts and coupons. 

4) Apply for scholarships

When you are a student, scholarships are offered to support your education. Always keep a track of them and make sure to apply for scholarships.

Your scholarship money will be of great use to you. Scholarships have eligibility criteria. Check before applying for it.

5) Travel off-season

Travelling off-season will help to save more money as the costs will be low when compared to on-season time. The places will also be less crowded, and you can enjoy your trip.

 At this time, you will have many options to stay, and they will be available at lower prices too. The prices of things in the local markets will also be less if you wish to buy anything.

 6) Prefer street foods 

If you are traveling on a limited budget, then it is best to avoid fancy cuisine that costs more. There are always cheaper street foods. Street foods give the authentic taste of the place you have visited.

7) Take a bus or train

When you travel to a new place take the local transportation such as bus or train. That will be way cheaper than hiring a cab. It is always advisable to limit your spending on such things and save it for some other later use. 

8) Better walk

Use your legs – Walk.

 Walking is the best way to enjoy the trip to the fullest. You can communicate with local people and learn about their specialties, and they will help you with the places that are cheap and best for purchasing.

You can walk and roam the place around at your own pace. Stop wherever you want and if you need to look at a tourist sight for another 10 minutes or more. You can do so and do not worry about parking your vehicle.

9) Say yes to hostels/ PGs 

Always go for hostels or Paying Guests. They are comparatively cheaper when compared to hotels. 

Some hostels provide food, and you need to pay for it separately. The food also will be cheaper than in restaurants and healthier than outside food.

10) Do part-time jobs

Instead of wasting your free time after school/college, do a part-time job to add some money to your pocket. Freelancing jobs are available, and you can earn good money by spending 3-4 hours a day.

You can even carry some online jobs along with you on your trip and work off in your free time there. In case you are planning a long trip, this might be helpful.

11) Learn the local language 

Learning the local language will help to communicate with the local people easily when you are out on a trip to a different place. This will come in handy while bargaining. Or else they will sell the things for higher prices.

12) Avoid frequent outings

Being a student, you will be tempted to hang out with friends at clubs, restaurants, etc. More of your money is spent here. Instead, invite your friends to your home. You can cook and hang out at your home.

13) Pre-book tickets

Pre-booking tickets is a great way for you to save waiting time in the never-ending queue. Some world-famous tourist places need to be pre-booked months before your visit or you might not get tickets at the moment.

14) Take a buddy along with you

The solo trip might be your thing but to cut the costs it is better to take a friend along with you. You can share the room and travel charges whereas they might cost you more if you are doing it alone. 

Make sure the person you are taking with you matches your vibe. You do not need someone who will make your trip a disaster.

15) Go for local brands

Local brand products cost less than famous brands. The local supermarkets have local brand items for low cost, and you can also choose to buy from street vendors for a cheaper price.

16) Plan prior and cut down the extra cost

Research the place you are planning to go on the trip. Plan your day-to-day activities and pre-book tickets if needed. With prior planning, you can remove unnecessary expenses or plan an alternative to fit your budget.

For example, if you are traveling by train for two days, you can pack the food for two days instead of buying it in the train’s canteen which is costly. These changes will help to cut down on the extra costs of the trip. 

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